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trem uap bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "trem uap"
  • trem:    carfare; streetcar; tram; tramcar; trammel;
  • uap:    vapour; vapor; fume; steam; steam-; vapour,
  • trem:    carfare; streetcar; tram; tramcar; trammel; tranway; tram, tramcar; tramway; trolley car; trolley; cable tramway; ropeway; aerial tramway
  • uap:    vapour; vapor; fume; steam; steam-; vapour, vapor; boat; steamboat; water vapor; steamer; reek; water vapour; vaporization; gas; steamship; evaporation; vaporisation; liner; aqueous vapour
  • generator trem:    tranway-generator
  • gerbong trem:    tram car
  • jalan trem:    tramway
  • jalur trem:    tramways
  • jaringan trem:    tramway-system
  • kereta trem:    tramcar
  • kereta-trem:    tramway car
  • lintas trem:    tram line
  • lintasan trem:    tramway
  • motor trem:    tramway motor
  • perhentian trem:    tram stop
  • The major reason was that the horse-cars were cleaner compared to steam driven trams which caused smoke in city streets.
    Alasan utama adalah bahwa trem kuda lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan dengan trem uap yang menyebabkan asap di jalan-jalan kota.
  • One example is the former offices of the Dutch steamtram company, Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij in Semarang by Thomas Karsten (1930).
    Salah satu contoh bangunan bergaya baru ini adalah bekas kantor perusahaan trem uap Belanda, Joana Stoomtram Maatschappij, di Semarang karya Thomas Karsten (1930).
  • Aligned with technological development, the horse-drawn tram was replaced by steam tram locomotives in around 1881. Hence, these locomotives can serve a longer route.
    Seiring perkembangan teknologi, keberadaan Trem Kuda lantas digantikan dengan Trem Uap yang muncul sekitar 1881. Lokomotif yang dijalankan dengan ketel uap menggantikan keberadaan kuda yang menarik Trem sehingga memiliki rute yang lebih panjang.